What is the difference between the SkinMedica Vitalize and Rejuvenize Peels?
The Rejuvenize and Vitalize Peels are very similar in composition. The Rejuvenize Peel is deeper and is recommended for more severe skin conditions. Both peels contain alpha and beta hydroxyl acids.. All of these acids work to remove dead skin from the surface of the face, as well as help to boost cell turnover so that new skin cells grow faster. The SkinMedica Rejuvenize Peel also contains panthenol, which is also known as vitamin B5. This ingredient soothes and reduce discomfort during the peeling process.
Who can benefit from the Vitalize/Rejuvenize Peels?
Indications for both peels include photodamaged skin, fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentary abnormalities, superficial scarring and acne. Upper epidermal defects, such as, melasma can also be improved.
What will my skin feel like during and after my Vitalize/Rejuvenize Peel?
During your peel you will experience a warm, tingling sensation. This procedure is quite tolerable and requires no pre-medication. After your peel, you may continue to experience mild tingling for a few hours.
How long does the treatment take?
The actual treatment takes about 20-25 min.
Is there any downtime?
Everyone reacts differently. You may be a little pink right afterwards. A few days later there may be some moderate peeling. Make up may be applied.
How long will the effects of the chemical peel last?
Aging of the skin is a chronic natural phenomenon. A single peel can reverse some of the clinical and histological signs of aging, but once the skin has healed from the peel, the aging process starts again. Therefore, a daily program of specifically designed products that reverse the signs of aging is necessary to maintain long-term improvement.
Is it safe to have these Peels on a regular basis?
Yes. Generally multiple treatments are required to achieve desired results. Subsequent peels may be repeated every 3 to 4 weeks. There is no limit to the number of peels a person can receive as long as improvement continues. The effect is cumulative with time.
What makes the SkinMedica Vitalize/Rejuvenize Peels helpful in management of acne?
One of the active ingredients in these Peels is salicylic acid, which has been used for several decades to treat acne. Salicylic acid is a comedolytic and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, Retinoic acid inhibits sebum production and reduces hyperkeratinization. It helps to unclog the pores and prevent the formation of new papules.
How long after receiving a peel can one be exposed to the sun?
Sun avoidance during the recovery period is critical. After the peeling is complete, one can resume regular activities, but daily use of a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) is imperative.
How many peels will it take to get a great result?
The number of treatments needed depends upon the problem being addressed but usually ranges from three to six treatments spaced two to four weeks apart.
What results should I expect?
Realistic expectations include: Correct sun damaged skin, improve acne, smooth fine wrinkles, reduce mild scarring, improve irregular discoloration and rough texture.
Unrealistic expectations include: Cannot remove or reduce broken blood vessels, cannot improve deep wrinkles. It is also impossible to truly change pore diameter, however, after the procedure, the pores appear less pronounced. This is not a procedure to remove atrophic or hypertrophic scars.